For a detailed comparison of all software, see the POSM Products Features Matrix.


Elevate Your Workflow with POSM: Office Software, Inspection Software, and Rugged Hardware Solutions


Welcome to the world of POSM, where we offer a versatile suite of solutions designed to enhance your workflow across three essential categories: Office Software, Inspection Software, and Rugged Hardware. Whether you're streamlining your administrative tasks, capturing critical inspection data, or arming yourself with dependable equipment for demanding tasks, POSM has you covered. Dive into each category to explore how POSM can revolutionize your operations, making them more efficient, precise, and productive.




Discover POSM Office Software: Streamline Inspection Management with POSM Server, Storage, or Workstation


Office Software





Empower Your Sewer Inspections with POSM's Suite of Applications


Inspection Software




Elevate Your Hardware Game with POSM:
Powering Your Toughest Tasks





Owl Vision Systems 360 Manhole Camera