The Workstation Engineering Starting Point

POSM Server Server Overview

It’s interesting for us here at POSM to observe. New prospects contact our Tech Support through this link to test our POSM Pro inspection software FREE for 60 days.

When those prospects become new partners (usually before the 60 days are up), 90% of all our clients consider their options and choose POSM Professional, our fully loaded program.

Almost all contractors and City workers grasp that Pro comes fully loaded with all the features and options they’ll need now, plus functions they may need later, depending on where their business growth takes them.

But when those same new partners consider our library database storage options, the opposite happens. Not all the time, not even the majority of the time. But often enough.

We get it. Workstation Engineering is our no-frills database storage program for a no-frills price. It lets prospects sample just a bit of the full power of our library database. But Workstation Engineering was never intended to be a permanent nor efficient solution to sort, archive, or review your video inspections.

Let’s review Workstation Engineering's limitations:

  • Local drive basic video library sorting--No Server or Cloud options.
  • Licensed for a single user.
  • Holds up to 2,500 sessions per database--adequate storage if you’re small or new and plan to stay that way. For anyone else, that space will fill up fast.
  • Stored on a Microsoft Access Database. Sooner than later, slow-downs happen.
  • No SQL option at this level.
  • No support on a shared network.
  • No connectivity to a GIS system.

In spite of these limitations, many of our partners try to “get by” with Workstation Engineering long after they’ve outgrown it. Worse, our tech support operators receive calls frequently from those same clients because the program isn’t working right, and they really don’t want to hear our techs say that “Workstation Engineering is insufficient for your needs.

Workstation Engineering was never intended to be a permanent nor efficient solution...

We understand. No one likes to hear about additional charges and licensing fees if they think they can get by with what they have for just a bit longer.

But here’s the hard truth. When your engineers are spending all their time on the phone with our tech support instead of doubling or tripling billable results for your clients,
you’re no longer getting by, you’re losing money.

With that in mind, let’s look at out most economic upgrade,
POSM Storage, and the incredible leap in efficiency and functionality that delivers on the promise Workstation Engineering teases. Let’s take a look.

  • Your entire inspection library stored on a Local Server drive.
  • Option to upgrade to SQL or Cloud Storage.
  • Accessible to unlimited authorized users.
  • Storage inspection efficiency upgrade from 2,500 to +10,000 videos on a Microsoft Access Database before experiencing significant hardware slow-down.

Limitation: No GIS synchronization.

With all that added functionality
which we can upgrade you to at an incredible value when you contact us, there’s no good reason to remain with Workstation Engineering.

POSM Storage ... the incredible leap in efficiency and functionality

Here’s the overview of our even more powerful Video Inspection Database upgrades.

Cloud Enabled

POSM Server
is our Office option with two-way GIS synchronization tools to keep all your engineers in touch with all your Closed Circuit TV data.

Inspection Library storage options: Local Server or NEW Cloud drive option.

Bottom line: If you suspect that Workstation Engineering is holding you back, it is! Don’t continue trying to get by with a program created to be a starting point, not a destination.
Contact our tech support today to discuss which video library database option makes the most sense for you!